The AHS Project

- About Us -

  • Intro

  • Welcome to the The AHS Project. A nascent effort geared towards serving first and foremost - the Black diaspora and all African art lovers in our communities. We are a brand, wholly made up of people of African descent whom are all passionate about championing and elevating the rich artistic values of Motherland Africa.

  • Our Mission

  • We are a minority-owned outfit focused on creating opportunities for fellow people of African / Black descent as well as other like-minded groups to come connect with and enjoy african-inspired works of art and culture. We also welcome people of non-African descent who appreciate the art form and want to help nurture and positively showcase the world of African Art.

  • Our Approach

  • We work with local African artisans, particularly in West and Central Africa to help showcase and distribute their various works of art. Artists we work with customarily utilize local traditional techniques passed down through generational tradecraft to create these pieces of artwork. And often, each artwork represents or highlights a critical culture component - either a creed and/or mythos of a particular clan(s), tribe(s), or a specific era / period in African history.

    Through the AHS Project and its medium - the African Heritage Shop - we strive to highlight these values and attitudes embedded in these amazing works of art. This is part of our two-fold mission-critical effort to support to these Africa-based artisans we partner with and to ensure African Art as a whole continues to shine in the pantheon of great artworks across the globe.